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  1. 5 minutes ago on Clay Bennett

    There are morons on both sides of politics but Democrats do not storm the Capital or go around shooting people.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Most of the civilised world expects that Trump, if re-elected, will Make America Grate Again. Just like four years ago.

  3. about 13 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    But a lot worse for America

    People forget that up until the G7 meeting in 2020 every desire of every US President became policy and the US President was the most powerful person in the world.

    In 2020, Donald Trump advocated for Russia’s return and all other members rejected the proposal. For the first time since ww2 a US president was over-ruled and became just another major player among the top twenty nations.

    If re-elected, on day one Trump will keep a promise for the first time and pull the US out of Europe and the Pacific and confirm his public multiple statements to Putin to do what he wants in Europe and Xi to do what he wants with Taiwan and that will be the start of WW3.

    That will kill most of the defence industry jobs in the USA because no country, except maybe Russia, will trust that the arms they purchase will ever be allowed to be delivered because Trump has a history of backstabbing the USA’s military allies.

    All NATO and other US treaty partners will reject Trumps actions and no longer purchase US military goods.

    Also at that point the US president will become just a MINOR bit player that no one takes seriously.

    Civilians in many countries will cease to purchase US goods in protest against Trumps actions

    That will not affect Trump or his GOP allies as he will still be President and they will still be Senators and Representatives but for the rest of the country the result will be a disaster.

    And the money saved by not purchasing goods for the US military will be used, not to provide relief for the millions out of work, but for tax cuts for the top 5%.

    I thank God that I am no longer a resident of the USA.

  4. about 22 hours ago on Clay Jones

    A saying that is as old ancient as the pyramids that is still true.

    “Copying is the sincerest form of flattery.”

  5. about 22 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Kennedy took responsibility for that massive debacle.

    Trump has never taken responsibility for anything.

  6. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    No it is not sexist because it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

  7. 6 days ago on Non Sequitur

    That is because we hate shopping so do it as fast as possible

  8. 14 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say “Trump has not been proven in any court to have committed sexual assault on a woman.”

    Go back to the news for Thu April 25, 2024. Headlines like “Federal judge upholds verdict in E. Jean Carroll case” cover the second time he was found guilty of sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll.

  9. 18 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say "I don’t recall anyone skewering Bill Clinton for any indiscretions in his private history. The issue as I recall it was his abuse of office (not a crime, Monica was an adult) made worse by lying under oath. "

    As you are fully aware, Bill Clinton was impeached for actions that occurred in the privacy of his office with no witnesses. That is the definition of private history.

    If any Republican had done what Clinton did the Republican party would have said “there was no abuse of office” and defended his lying under oath as “protecting the ladies reputation” and not one would have voted for his impeachment.

    Remember that after Trumps second impeachment trial Mitch O’Connell stood on the steps of the Capital and admitted straight out that Trump was 100% guilty as charged. So much for the Republicans oath unto god to defend the United States and its laws.

    Bill Clinton was impeached for having CONSENSUAL sex with someone who is not his wife. Trump has a long history of sex with someone who is not his wife, is proven in court to have COMMITTED SEXUAL ASSAULT with a NON CONSENTING person, brags about his other sexual assaults on microphone and his biggest supporter is the hypocrite who was responsible for Clintons impeachment.

    Trump and Lyndsay Graham are both ankles.

  10. 18 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say “You don’t see Trump’s associates turning up dead in mysterious ways.”

    You left out four words.

    You don’t see Trump’s associates AND POLITICAL ENEMIES turning up dead in mysterious ways YET.