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  1. about 2 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Well, Chip, I too don’t understand where the crime is in Dump’s trial, but that’s New York law. They must have a lot of lying, coverup politicians there so they need laws to keep them in check. But, your man Dump, the genius, should’ve known before he broke the law.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    And the poor. I’m in the lowest bracket, the 10% tax group. I had to pay taxes due to a slight increase in my interest income. But, afterall, Repub wise, it’s the uber rich that need the help with those high taxes, which they can usually get out of paying at all.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I wonder, Al. Would you and your’s accept the result of the prosecution if everyone was a member of the Repub party? Then and only then would it be fair? Of course, the current form of the Repubs would never indict your president for anything, even killing someone on 5th Avenue. Is this what you’d consider a jury of your peers? And of course the prosecutor, his family, the judge and his family, the officers, clerks, everyone would have to be from GQP party, too to be acceptable in your mindset?

    Of course, all this does play well into Dump’s political game portraying himself as the victim of a political smear job by Biden and the Dems. Oh, poor, poor little me, your messiah, your vindicator and protector, the only one that can save you. And of course his guilty plea got him, coincidentally. $34.000,000. A couple more criminal convictions might just make him that billionaire he once touted.

  4. about 2 hours ago on The Born Loser

    Now, what kind of a guy would put his sandwich down on his seat? Brutus put his glass on the side table so he should’ve put the sandwich there, too. Dumb, really dumb.

  5. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    Is BC a Trump man, or does he just use Trump’s same business plan?

  6. about 3 hours ago on Peanuts

    Gocomics also has a popup that comes from the right border that’s very annoying. I think all this is to force us to go premium. I’ve been thinking about going premium to remove the ads, but the over box and the right border box are really getting on my nerves.

  7. about 3 hours ago on Overboard

    Plus, I also have many wild blooming weeds in the backyard running along the garden borders. These remain until they die.

  8. about 3 hours ago on The Born Loser

    Now, why would anyone with half a mind put a sandwich on their seat? He put his drink on the side table, why wouldn’t his sandwich be there, too? Dumb, Brutus, dumb.

  9. about 4 hours ago on Herb and Jamaal

    Most impressive, Jamaal. All being blind, we couldn’t impress via our great looks. We’d only have our works and speech.

  10. about 4 hours ago on Shoe

    What’s not to regret. A narcissist who smokes a smelly cigar. So, our 34 count guilty ex-president’s one redeeming quality: he doesn’t smoke.