2005 christmas pictures 037

Zuhl's Wife Free

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  1. about 5 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Moscow Mitch after J6: “This Senate will never bend the knee…”

    And he and other Congress Cronies were prostrating themselves and jostling each other to kiss the (bleep) of a convicted felon and traitor. WWLS (What Would Lisa Say)?

    “Me too! Me too!”

    Even as the MAGA SCOTUS has approved MAGAcide and Civil War with its “ruling” to allow automatic WMD to be unleashed in our country.

    Makes America quite the international tourist destination, doesn’t it?

  2. 4 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Library Lady, the MAGAs just hate those pesky facts, especially when it gets inn the way of the carefully-nuanced conspiracy slop and hate crack they’ve been fed.

    Sadly, they are too far gone to care, and worse, it’s permanent.

  3. 4 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    It’s sad that you literally don’t understand the definition of treason, which involves attempted assassinations of government officials (“Hang Mike Pence!" and the escalated death threats), aiding and abetting the enemy during a time of war (e.g., doing nothing after Putin put bounties on our troops in Afghanistan, stabbing our Kurdish allies in the back, secretly surrendering to the Taliban at Camp Davis), or the overthrow of government (overturning an election, J6 insurrection).

    You scream and demand the prosecution of government employees based entirely on right wing rumors and conspiracy theories.

    The crime that Hunter is being prosecuted for is a violation of gun law. As for the tax evasion, he already pled guilty AND paid all back taxes with interest. And you’ve blown it into “treason”?

    Search argument treason definition

  4. 4 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Once again, another MAGA cartoonist demonstrate his superpower, ignoring issues of vital importance while making anything he doesn’t like or understand into a grievance-filled conspiracy theory.

  5. 5 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Maybe you should discuss it with your Chinese alter-ego, Sun. You know, exchange one-liners.

  6. 5 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    “[In my Chinese troll farm,] the Democrat mind is disturbingly toxic."

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  7. 5 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Let’s go back to the beautiful, wonderful 1950’s, shall we!? It would just be totally spiffy and swell to live in blissful ignorance while putting all those messkins, uppity women, and colored folk in their place.

  8. 5 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Yeah, and just wait ’til little Jimmy reads the dirty parts, after the MAGA Talibangelical “leaders” Texastan managed to insert The Bible into public elementary schools. The MAGA bible thumpers are just sure that cramming their Christian Nationalism grooming screeds and scaring the crap out of little children is the perfect way to bring up a new generation of obedient, ignorant little MAGAs.

    Meanwhile, in the What-Were-you -thinking department, the MAGA sleaze website ‘The Federalist’ put out a funding smear attacking Dolly Parton because she doesn’t go along with the MAGA Talibangelical pogroms against the LGBTQ community, screaming “Dolly Parton’s False Gospel Isn’t Loving, It’s Destructive.” Needless to say, their foul clickbait did not go over well.

    And creepy MAGA cartoonists, along with their little brainwashed supporters, have abandoned the axiom of “Knowledge is Power” and enthusiastically embraced the MAGA gospel that “Ignorance is Bliss”.

  9. 6 days ago on Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

    You ought to wear it, along with your other MAGA / Nazi regalia to your next speed-dating session. It’ll make a real impression on the ladies.

  10. 6 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Bannon was first pardoned by the Mobster-In-chief on his last day of crime-ridden admin, as well as many other of his corrupt cronies. State courts, however, are out of reach. For now, anyway. A rubber-stamp MAGA Congress and SCOTUS can “fix” that, however.

    And now the MAGA Messiah has said out loud what Zuhl has been saying for years:

    “It’s a terrible thing to do, but it’s all their fault! LOOK what they’re making us do!”

    And the radicalized, brainwashed idiots would probably cheer on the slate-wiping asteroid heading for our planet, since it’ll wipe out all “the libs”, too.

    “All the fish you can catch, all the dems and ho-mos you can kill, and screw the limit!”